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Daily Digest | Fee transparency

Written by The Uptake Published on   1 min read

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Common sense prevails.

Hi. It’s Brady here.

Here’s a question: if you made a living by offering your services through an internet platform, would you agree to an arrangement where you are not informed about the commission fees?

As KrASIA’s reporters in China explained to me, that has been the condition for many drivers who pick up passengers using ride-hailing apps. Some platforms obscure these charges or delay the delivery of this information, making it difficult to gauge the fees paid to the platforms on any given workday.

But that is changing because of orders from the Ministry of Transportation, which has indicated that companies like Didi can no longer do this. It’s a change that may seem small to observers abroad, but is likely significant for many drivers who, until now, were not familiar with the fee structures they interacted with every day.

Jiaxing had the latest updates about this. You can read her report here.

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