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[Tuning In] Travel blogger Su Wai Phyo on how travel has transformed her life

Written by Stephanie Pearl Li Published on   1 min read

Su Wai Phyo unpacks the meaning of being a travel blogger and how she shatters the blogger stigma.

Travel has the power to transform one’s life in surprising ways. That’s what happened to Su Wai Phyo, a Burmese travel and lifestyle blogger after traveling extensively in Europe, India, and her home country Myanmar. Her voracious passion for traveling and writing led to the creation of her own blog, Su Wai Go, where she recounts her learnings from each adventure. She also won the Youth’s Choice at the Myanmar Influencer Awards Ceremony in December 2017, just six months after she began blogging.  

This interview has been edited for brevity and clarity. 

KrASIA (Kr): What made you decide to start a travel blog? 

Su Wai Phyo (SWP): It’s down to passion and the people I love.

Prior to starting my blog, I had already been travelling a lot and posting about different places of interest on social media. It’s something that I enjoy very much. My family and friends kept urging me to start a travel blog, and I also wanted to share my adventures with people I love. So I became a travel blogger in May 2017.

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Kr: Who is constantly on your mind when you travel? Why?

SWP: I believe in living in the present moment. Typically, I focus on travelling instead of keeping things on my mind.

However, I sometimes get reminded of loved ones while travelling, especially because I wish I could show them all the things I get to experience too.

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